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[HSI]∎ Libro Terminal Policy eBook Liam McCurry

Terminal Policy eBook Liam McCurry

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If you thrive on intrigue, romance, gorgeous females, torture, death, green chile and Irish whiskey…meet Beverly Martin Raker (although no one has called him Beverly more than once) in a romping tale of terror and the insurance world.
After all, they both sell fear… and business is business! Millions of potential victims may cease to exist, instantly and violently, worldwide – from small shopkeepers to millionaires – simply because they are insured by PanGlobal Assurance.
One avenging terrorist is bent on death and destruction, as his group begins violently “terminating” the policies of random persons and places covered by one of the world’s largest insurance companies.
Can it be stopped? Is your name on the list?
…the tough old man seemed to sag. He yanked the envelope from his pocket and threw it on the conference table.
“Read the thing, gentlemen.” Mitchell jerked his hand toward the papers. “Read the bleeping thing and weep!”

.. $
The letter closed with a red dollar sign.

“Well,” started Mitchell. “What about it, James? Is it as bad as I feel?”
James Colt stood looking on Manhattan from forty floors above the street. The clippings concerned hotel fires, transportation accidents, and a vanished oil tanker.
“Yes,” replied Colt. “I think it’s that bad. They want us to sweat. ”
"No, by God! I'll not see my empire -- that's right, empire! -- ¬destroyed by fear,” snarled Mitchell. “We'll fight them!" His fist thundered against the top of his desk. “Get me that anti-terrorist bunch out of New Mexico! What’s his name…Raker? Get me Raker!”

…later, Raker smiled at Mitchell. "How do you like being a terrorist?" Mitchell looked quizzical.
"Come on, now," said Raker, his tone chiding. "Isn't that what it is? Insurance? You deal in fear, Mitchell. You should understand this terrorism business."
"You sound inimical," said Mitchell.
"No." replied Raker, "Perhaps envious. No one in your business wants to talk about motives past that bull-shit concerning how one must fear for their survivors; how they must protect their investments. You scare the shit out of people, Mitchell. Insurance deals in terror. You deal in people's misery. But the idea of an insurance company being in business to 'help others’ is a bale of camel dung." He smiled. "PanGlobal has a ball-lock on them."
Mitchell surveyed Raker through narrowed eyes. "Yes, insurance is the largest money business in the world, and I am leader of the pack.” Mitchell’s eyebrows arched higher. “Would it now be proper to ask if you are willing to represent PanGlobal in this terrorist threat?”
Raker smiled guilelessly. “Of course we are willling.”
Mitchell also tried on a smile. “And your fee?”
“50 million up front guarantees the year’s contract.” Raker’s smile had become a lupine-like grin.
“You are not inexpensive, Mr. Raker.”
“I am not ordinary, Mr Mitchell.” He turned and placed a hand on the ornate door latch. “And leave Ms. Pagan Maguire alone. That can only lead to a fast and undesirable end.”

….and throughout the world, PanGlobal insurees began to die.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Liam McCurry – an avowed vagabond -- has been a U.S. Marine (he saw action at Guadalcanal and Korea), a psychologist, a land developer, a sportscaster (he was the voice of the University of New Mexico and New Mexico State football in the 1960s), a computer consultant, a classical pianist, a TV weatherman, and -- he admits with some reluctance -- an insurance salesman.

Terminal Policy eBook Liam McCurry

If you are in a masochistic mood, just interrupt reading Liam McCurry's TERMINAL POLICY. Liam could teach the author of The Da Vinci Code even more about exciting, suspenseful writing. Serendipity is all hte fine and delightful "lower scale" eateries visited. With constant twists and turns in this thriller, one enjoys the consummate writing in descriptions of scenes, building of characters, and inclusion of a wide swath of venues of planet earth. Definitely five stars plus. TERMINAL POLICY is a great source for a Best Picture Academy Award movie.

Product details

  • File Size 1667 KB
  • Print Length 536 pages
  • Publisher Thriller Publications; 2 edition (October 4, 2010)
  • Publication Date October 4, 2010
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0046LU92I

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Tags : Terminal Policy - Kindle edition by Liam McCurry. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Terminal Policy.,ebook,Liam McCurry,Terminal Policy,Thriller Publications,FICTION Thrillers,FICTION Mystery & Detective General,FICTION Suspense,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Insurance General
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Terminal Policy eBook Liam McCurry Reviews

The characters in Terminal Policy are rich and complex, and the action is fast-paced. Pay attention to what everyone says & does ... it will be pertinent later. You may *think* you've figured out what's happening next, but you will probably be surprised at the twists & turns of the plot of Terminal Policy. Raker is a "bad" guy you end up liking despite yourself - actually, the line between good & bad gets blurred several times as you go along. Probably depends partly on how you feel about insurance agencies ;-) A great read from a first-time author - I hope he follows with more!
First book I read by Liam McCurry. Intriguing. Story weaves in and out and eventually reaches a slam bang conslusion. Kept me guessing - and turning pages as quickly as I could. Couldn't put it down. Well worth the price, the time and emotional expenditure.
In Liam McCurry's book, Terminal Policy, the first chapter was suspenseful and after reading the succeeding chapters, they never let up!
The account of Raker's childhood and family history gave this remarkable character the needed realism that I wanted. I was hooked thereafter.
For me, the globe hoping was fascinating and the knowledge & details that Mr. McCurry has for each scene is astounding. I thought I had it figured out, however, was I mistaken. The twists and turns were delightful.
Are we to see a sequel? If so, I want to be on the waiting list.
I received this book as a Christmas gift from a good friend but it sounded like a book I'd really enjoy so couldn't wait to read it. It is very well written & most interesting with all the different asides. When I was almost at the end & very satisfied, the SURPRISE ending knocked my socks off.

Liam -- do you have more to be said?

Ruth Edwards, Sacramento, CA
From start to finish this novel holds the reader spellbound. With its surprising twists and turns of horror and violence, smooth transitions and touches of romance, Liam McCurry leads the reader into unsuspected suspense. His characterization brings alive the inhabitants of this saga of greed, suspense and complicated relationships, from page one throughout the book to its surprise ending.
I recently picked up TERMINAL POLICY by Liam McCurry, published by Ashleigh Publishing group on a tip from a friend. I read a thriller now and then, but it's not normally my bailiwick. This, however was a truly gripping tale. I was chewing off my fingernails by the time the last 1/4th of the book came along, and the ending was blessed relief.

Which is interesting because much of the book was from the perspective of the antagonist. Normally I don't appreciate when a book contrives to force me to like the bad guy. But with this one, McCurry takes us for a ride in Raker's head. I understand why Raker feels he has to do what he does. I don't condone it, but I can see how the events in his early life steered him toward the conclusion. There were a few likable qualities to this antagonist. The man is a matchless wizard at what he does. He's brilliant, focused, and loves his daughter.

The book is about a man who could stand toe-to-toe with Machiavelli and survive. He's a master web spinner of trap within trap. It is his goal to take down one of the largest insurance companies in the world, headed by equally stone-cold juggernauts of the business world. Almost equal. Raker owns the game at every turn, destroying his trails and countless lives in order to wreak vengeance of a breath-taking magnitude.

Almost the only man who can hope to undo the great Raker is himself. And he very nearly does it. I was asking the question "Will he do it?" right down to the wire.

There were three things that dented this book a little for me. I don't like bad language and I don't appreciate sadism/sex. There are some books which throw foul language and sex into the mix to get ratings. I really hate that authors feel those things are needed to get read. TERMINAL POLICY, however, would be less chillingly real without them. I can't say that the language and sadism didn't fit. They did. So if you're like me, you'll skim completely over those bits.

The last dent is that there is some head-hopping. Generally a modern writer wants to portray the story from the perspective of one person. If they want to add another perspective, the writer makes a visual break so that we know the perspective has switched. McCurry uses what's commonly called an omnipotent perspective, which allows us to see into more than one mind at a time. Sometimes that can be a little confusing.

Other than that, the book was extremely well-written. The locations were fresh. The story, gripping. The characters were engaging. The research was extensive and the story mechanics spotless. Liam McCurry puts you THERE.

You're only going to need the very edge of your seat for this one. I'd put it on a shelf with Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy any day.
I absolutely love this book. The characters are so interesting, and I feel as though I am being transported all around the world without even leaving my comfy chair. I adore the wry sense of humor and the " tongue in cheek " that this book has. It's truly right up my alley!
If you are in a masochistic mood, just interrupt reading Liam McCurry's TERMINAL POLICY. Liam could teach the author of The Da Vinci Code even more about exciting, suspenseful writing. Serendipity is all hte fine and delightful "lower scale" eateries visited. With constant twists and turns in this thriller, one enjoys the consummate writing in descriptions of scenes, building of characters, and inclusion of a wide swath of venues of planet earth. Definitely five stars plus. TERMINAL POLICY is a great source for a Best Picture Academy Award movie.
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